After starting E-Fuel, we researched how humanity treats its natural resources, which include materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain. The U.S. feeds more people in the world than any other country. We started by examining the U.S. Agriculture (Ag) waste. Doing a quick online search, we learned that our total annual Ag discarded waste was 196,000,000,000 billion pounds which are 40% of our Ag food grown, and loaded with vitamins, proteins, sugars, and lots of water. Even more alarming, farmers have been paying up to $50/ton to have it removed into landfills which converts into methane gas and represents up to 90% of the remaining plant stalk. Before anyone says, it is just waste so what good is it to anyone, that answer would be a lot! The United Nations says the world continues to fall behind its ability to feed nations around the world. Many are not aware that the U.S. has stopped growing many citrus plants like bananas, pineapples, and others due to a serious soil infestation. A lot of these citrus plants are now grown in South America, but it will only be a matter of time before the infestation arrives over there. So E-Fuel partnered with California’s largest lettuce grower, Taylor Farms, to test E-Fuel’s Rejected Energy Reactor (RER) process to repurpose the waste sugars into ethanol so the fuel could be used to dehydrate the remaining vitamins and protein into powder. This was a breakthrough because Rejected Energy (sugars) taken from waste can be dehydrated into waste food powder, which can then be stored indefinitely when sealed in containers and shipped anywhere in the world. Currently, dehydrated food powder products cost up to $40 dollars for a few ounces of powder, making them unaffordable. E-Fuel has been able to solve this problem because waste currently has a negative value. We were also able to recover the plant wastewater that we converted into clean distilled drinking water. This is an especially important solution that can be duplicated anywhere in the world where clean water is scarce. Nobody has ever thought about Ag waste being treated as a food product before, which is a game-changer to help feed the world population. It should be noted that dehydrated food powder has been around for many years and the United Nations considers it a critical future food product. For many years, the cost of producing dehydrated powder has restricted the production of dehydrated foods which E-Fuel has been able to solve. E-Fuel looks forward to working with food processing centers around the world to implement E-Fuel’s RER technology.